Wednesday, June 1, 2016


I know it's been awhile since I last posted. Life has been a little busy with the little one. If you did not know, Baby L has joined our family in January. It has been a busy, and yet a wonderful time having a new baby in the house. Big brothers absolutely adore their baby brother. I don't share too much of my personal life, since this blog is for Ni-Chern Designs. But there are a few things that have been happening. The boys finished their recreation soccer season just couple weeks ago. They both had a great time, mostly for the snack that was given at the end of every game! But they still loved it! They will start recreation baseball soon. #1 is enjoying the Humphrey Hamster books. #2 is reading better everyday, and still loves to write that his favorite food is pizza. #3 is working on rolling over; and his fussy days can only be calmed by watching his brothers play. Both #1 and #2 will be starting recreation baseball soon.
So, my social media presence may be a little slower than usual. I hope that when I get into a routine with family, work, and Ni-Chern Designs.
Most importantly for Ni-Chern Designs; I really appreciate you!
As always, don't ever hesitate to contact me if you have any comments or questions!


P.S. One last thing, I will not be doing any shows this year. At least I haven't signed up for any. If you are looking for me at shows this year, I am sorry that I will not be there. I have decided to focus on the baby this year. Believe me when I say that I will miss you. I love seeing you, getting to talk to you, and know you at shows every year.

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